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Evergrowing, if not constant
Embracing each other
Through thick and thin
While the butterflies never growing old.
If love could grow any more
The testament, that they are.


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Suhas and Siri were finally engaged amid their loved ones and they both couldn’t be more happier. Siri’s plan had worked and they were engaged quite early than it was actually planned. Now she could roam around without looking over her shoulder. The marriage was planned a few months after the engagement and Siri had already made plans so as to what to do in the meantime and she pounced at the first chance she got. They were now meeting, roaming and planning their future, occasionally stealing kisses and whatnot. However, they wanted to enjoy the present as much as they could even though the marriage wouldn’t much of a change since they had known each other forever, except of course the new added responsibilities. But they knew that together they could overcome anything. Soon after they got married, they moved to a different city. Ashish followed and also moved to the city where his friends stayed. Deeksha got married soon after and moved along with her husband after having left her job back in the city she was earlier. Weekend sleepover, occasional getaways, and whatnot, they seemed to be having the time of their lives. Varun was the only person who was being missed every other day but always remembered via the daily conference calls.

If love could grow anymore, they indeed are a testament to it. 3 years have passed and the tub is always overflowing with affection. “I have never been happier”, Suhas said after getting himself married. However, Varun was complaining about Siri for pushing him over the edge into this ocean of love. Ashish was happy with the new job change finally getting to work on his core skills. However, there was never a lack of opportunities which goes without saying that everyone is impressed by his dedication and work. Varun had settled himself comfortably on the other side of the planet.

Someone said that a happy beginning is quite in contrast to the usual most popular phrase of happy ending heard mostly in children books and Disney movies. But there are these steep words ‘happy’ and ‘ending’ in the same phrase which would make us think that what happens after that, because no one tells what it is like after the prince and princess find love and get married, or if it were to be generalized when love finally wins at the end of the stories. The aftermath story is for the others to simply draw a conclusion that it is a happily ever after. That very conclusion is reached because the beginning was never an easy one. There are struggles, battles, disagreements, and almost everything and everyone trying to divert from a happy ending or happily ever after. “A Happy Beginning” was in a way on similar lines had the struggles, the disagreements, and whatnot, but at the end, there was a beginning of a happily ever after. The future is uncertain so as to what will come and what will break, but knowing that there is something as powerful of a bond as love, there is no doubt that the people will stand course and make it to the world’s end if need be. Like they say, today is the beginning of the rest of your life and all we ever want to do can begin right today, right now. Well, it all starts with a happy beginning.

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Do let me know if you liked the story?
– Fake Writer

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bRead about the characters and the story from the start here:
A Happy Beginning

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