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Rating: ♦♦♦♦◊

Gifted portrays a uniquely beautiful relationship between a girl and her uncle. The movie is a combination of humor, emotions and a bit of fun or the possibility of not having fun. Mostly what you would love, err… let me rephrase… what I loved is the beautiful relationship between the girl and her uncle, mostly because it’s rare and you don’t get to see it as often as they actually are, or rarely are.

The movie revolves around a girl, the protagonist of the movie who is a genius, a mathematical prodigy who loves her uncle to the core and her cat, of course. The story is about how a seven-year-old girl is not drowning herself in books (especially books of mathematics, since she is a mathematical prodigy, duh!) and trying to solve the quintessential problems of the world that the greatest minds have ever created and also, while she is at it, probably contribute the existing Millennium problems. It is about how her uncle is devoiding her of a normal childhood of going to MIT and solving the complex mathematical problems of physics, chemistry, and biology and give the world a better standard of living by solving the greatest mathematical problems known to men and women, equally. How it is so selfish of him to try to let her have a normal childhood that every other kid her age has and may be let her play on the beach, with her cat (which most people are even allergic to like her grandmother), with her friends and have fun? FUN? How insane is that? How controlling of him to not let her win a Nobel Prize before she turns ten and be one among the few to have actually made a difference? How thoughtless of him to let her be the kid she is when she could be the next genius that the world needs so badly!

Those emotions are what the movie is about in a nutshell. Though, a major part of it is a custody battle between the kid’s grandmother and her uncle. The grandmother wants her to be the next best mathematician that was sort of a hereditary passed on from her to her daughter and then to her grandkid because Mathematics was more of an accomplishment that shouldn’t be wasted on being a kid. Her uncle, on the other hand, wants her to have a normal life that her mother (his sister, who took her own life because of all the pressure and whatnot) would have wanted.

What I liked: Humor + Emotions + Chris Evans.
Should you watch it: Definitely.
Why: Because of the small joy that the movie is all about, the tiny humor is spot on and the emotions being the soul of the movie. And look at the picture above! How adorable it is?
Worth your time: Definitely.

Rating: ♦♦♦♦◊
Story: ♦♦♦♦◊
Screenplay: ♦♦♦♦◊
Emotional: ♦♦♦◊◊

IMDB: Gifted
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10

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18 responses to “gifted”

  1. The director Mark Webb is better suited for this – the emotional poetry. That was what we saw with 500 days of Summer. Even in the 2 Spiderman movies he directed, the parts I loved best were the chemistry between Peter and Gwen Stacy… more than the action sequences! Happy to see he’s back to form 🙂


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